Friday, February 5, 2010

Musical Squares (Math)

An adaptation of "Musical Chairs", uses numbered squares to help reinforce odds & evens, greater than, less than, multiples, factors, divisibility, etc.  It's also a great activity to get wiggly kids out of their seats, shake off some energy, and learn about their numbers.

* Create laminated numbered squares (the numbers needed will depend on what you're teaching AND the number of students you have) using regular 8.5" x11" paper.  You can cut them to be actual square sizes, if you prefer.

* Like musical chairs, place the numbered squares randomly so students circle around them, usually in two rows.  Use tape to help them adhere to the floor.

* After the music stops, tell the kids what you're number rule is: i.e. numbers greater than 5, multiples of 3, numbers divisible by 2, odd numbers, -- the list is endless.  Have them look at their number to see if they're still "in" because their number meets the rule, or if they're "out" because their number does not fit the rule.  If there are numbers in question, use it as a teaching moment.

* Musical Squares can be played in many, many rounds with multiple winners, or -as traditionally done- until their is one person left standing.

**Variations can be done with vocabulary words, parts of speech ("the rule is you have to be standing on a noun"), you name it!

**If you don't have the time and the means to laminate: use the back of scratch paper, and have the numbers sit on top of student desks.  Push the desks in to two rows, and have students walk around the desks.

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